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piątek, 12 04 2019 09:25

Wykład pt. “Energy conversion in submarines - Stirling AIP”

Dziekan Wydziału Mechaniczno –Elektrycznego
Akademii Marynarki Wojennej
im. Bohaterów Westerplatte
Dr hab. inż. Bogdan ŻAK, prof. AMW
zaprasza na wykład pt.
"Energy conversion in submarines - Stirling AIP”
 który poprowadzi:
Daniel Nilsson
Senior Development Engineer Engineer  Saab Kockums Malmö Sweden
Termin: 16 kwietnia 2019 r.  godz. 10.00-13.00
Miejsce: Audytorium BG,  AMW
                Gdynia, ul. inż. Śmidowicza 69
              This lecture series are a continuation of prior lectures explaining the energy conversion in a submarine. This extension of the lectures will give the participants an overview of the Stirling Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system. The introductory lecture describes the energy system in a submarine and illustrates how the Stirling AIP is integrated in the system. It provides a general understanding of the characteristics of a Stirling AIP system.  The second lecture focuses on the Stirling engine and its integration into submarines. The participant will have an explanation of the thermodynamic processes that forms the Stirling cycle. The main parts of the Stirling engine will be described and their functions in the engine explained. The third lecture covers Saabs historical land marks of the Stirling engine development at Saab, from the first steps to the A26 system. The participant will have an explanation of the new abilities of the A26 Stirling AIP system.  At the conclusion of the lectures, the participant will have knowledge of how the Stirling AIP system will fit in the energy conversion as it applies to submarines. The participant will also have a general understanding of thermodynamic processes and components of the Stirling engine.