


Department of Foreign Languages is an organizational unit of the Naval Academy in Gdynia
established to teach foreign languages.
The main effort of DFL is focused on teaching English. In addition, classes in German, Russian
and French are also currently being conducted.
Teaching English is carried out in two different systems:

  • in the academic system for academic students (as one of the subjects of studies),
  • in a system of stationary courses for Navy personnel.

Other foreign languages are taught in the academic system only.

The curricula for students and military listeners are constructed based on the NATO STANAG
6001 standard. In accordance with this standard, departmental examinations are conducted at 3

Teaching programs for civilian students are constructed on the basis of the Common European
Framework for Languages, foreign language teaching is provided at levels B1, B2, C1.
The teaching programs of both military and civilian students are expertly sketched, which enables
students to obtain the language skills necessary for studying and working.

At DFL, 16 full-time English teachers are currently employed. Everyone has a long and extensive
experience, especially in the area of teaching English for Specific Purposes, gained in AMW, the
United States, Great Britain and other European countries. Our staff are professional lecturers,
who constantly improve their work techniques by taking part in numerous trainings,
methodological workshops and scientific conferences. They are true language enthusiasts,
mentors and examiners.

The teaching methodology used in SJO is eclectic. It draws on the entire scientific output in the
field of foreign language teaching methodology without indulgently undergoing temporary fads. In
other words, the methodological solutions that best serve the achievement of teaching goals in
specific conditions are used. Thanks to this approach and the skills of teachers, the Department
of Foreign Languages at the Naval Academy in Gdynia has been recognized as the best language
center in the Armed Forces for many years.
Statute of the Department of Foreign Languages

Department of Foreign Language regulations





